ACX Meetup (Brno)
Michal Keda
Source of truth for up to date info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1258636692181083
Meeting place: clubroom on the 2nd floor. At the gate, ring the bell labeled „SU clubroom 2nd floor“.
In the courtyard, go to the right side of the inner block, to the farthest door. Ring the bell again.
If you get lost, call 777 236 536
Setkání lidí, co rádi čtou blog Scotta Alexandera Astral Codex Ten a v neformální atmosféře by chtěli poznat další čtenáře, případně diskutovat relevantní témata jak je racionalita, umělá inteligence a její dopady na společnost, efektivní altruismus atd.
As Scott says: “If you’re reading this, you’re invited. Please don’t feel like you “won’t be welcome” just because you’re new to the blog, demographically different from the average reader, or hate ACX and everything it stands for. You’ll be fine!”
– No special program, we can just talk about (ACX) topics, you can get to know new people etc.
– We will decide on using Czech or English as the main language depending on the people who turn up. Just come, we will figure it out!