Birthday party – eight years of EA Czechia

The Czech Effective Altruism Association celebrates its eighth birthday!
If you want to reminisce about what we have created over the last 8 years, or if you are new to the association and would like to be part of our further development, we cordially invite you to our birthday party!
During the evening, we will sit back, listen to stories of how CZEA has evolved and where it is going, and maybe even some funny stories will come.
We will provide refreshments, but don’t bring gifts!
Nemáte čas?
If you are interested in Effective Altruism but cannot attend, leave us your contact details, and we will get back to you with other opportunities (events, discussions, lectures, projects): https://forms.gle/jqVaFWPhcPZmiFFy8
EDIT: We are very sorry but we had to change date and location of Birthday party because of conflict with other event. It will happen on Monday 7. 10. in Čajovna Dharmasala.