Towards Biosecurity: Communication, policy-making & technologies

Pondělí, 25. listopadu 2024
16:30 - 21:00
Restaurant U Svobodných Zednářů, Týnská 10, Praha

Effective Altruism Czech Republic

The event will feature a group discussion with expert guests, focusing on how to approach these topics and enhance preparedness for future challenges in public health.

Important Update: The event has been changed. The roundtable discussions will still take place on 25 November, but the first discussion will start at 16:30, and the second discussion will follow after dinner.

Target Audience: This event is highly suitable for policymakers, health officials, public health professionals, academics, researchers, communication experts, and representatives from non-governmental organizations. It is also ideal for individuals involved in strategic planning and risk management within public and private health sectors.

Topic: Risk and Communication

Key questions to address:

  • What risk scenarios should we prepare for, and how should their relative importance be evaluated?
  • Which groups need to be informed, and what should be communicated to effectively prepare for these risks?
  • Where were the significant gaps in risk communication, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Which communication strategies were effective, and which were not during the pandemic?
  • What are the characteristics of strong risk communication strategies, and are we better prepared now?

Join us for a critical and insightful dialogue on building resilience and enhancing preparedness in public health.

For any questions, you can write email to Vojtech Brynych: [email protected]